Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Essence of Style

It's that time of year...
3, rue Saint Sulpice, original watercolor, 9" x 11"
Breaking out the Champagne. And where does the good stuff comes from - France bien sur. But how come?
And how come cafes are the most authentic in France? Nowhere else does the cafe experience even come close...
Did you know the first silverware came from France?
The perfume industry - no mystery = France.
Meringues - we have Louis XIV to thank. Mirrors too. In fact most everything that attracts us to France and French ways came about and was instituted during Louis XVI's reign. The legions of expert craftsmen creating the finest of furniture. The finest of just about everything deluxe that we adore and covet got it's start during this era...
Joan DeJean's book, The Essence of Style tells the story in detail with wit and dash. Subtitled; How the French Invented High Fashion, Fine Food, Chic Cafes, Style, Sophistication and Glamour.
Why is it that people all over the world share the conviction that a special occasion only becomes really special when a champagne cork pops -- and even more special when that cork comes from a bottle of Dom Perignon? Why are diamonds the status symbol gemstone, instantly signifying wealth, power, and even emotional commitment?
What makes fashionistas willing to pay a small fortune for a particular designer accessory like the luxe bag.
DeJean explains how a handsome and charismatic young king with a great sense of style and an even greater sense of history decided to make both himself and his country legendary. When the reign of Louis XIV began, his nation had no particular association with elegance, yet by its end, the French had become accepted all over the world as the arbiters in matters of taste and style and had established a dominance in the luxury trade that continues to this day.
The birth of haute cuisine, the first appearance of celebrity hairdressers, chic cafes, nightlife, and fashion in elegant dress that extended well beyond the limited confines of court circles. Paris was the magical center -- the destination of travelers all across Europe. Who knew the parapluie (umbrella) was created by the French?
Fashion? The French. They have every right to be arrogant - their street cred goes back centuries.
Shoes oui! The j'e ne sais quoi, the certain indefinable something or other they have and that we want so - it's all explained and it's origins are mapped out here.
DeJean's latest, The Age of Comfort, takes the French story further into our homes and not so luxe quotidian activities.
DeJean is professor of romance Languages at University of Pennsylvania. Here's a NYTimes review of Essence. You can hear Joan chat on NPR.
I'm still searching for the origins of French jam. I'm sure it lurks within the confines of one or the other book...


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