Friday, November 6, 2009

Zenescope Entertainment has a big following of fans that just love every twisted fairytale the company comes up with. From the company that brought us dark stories called the Grimm Fairy Tales and Sinbad to the amazing trilogy of Wonderland, now comes the yet-again-twisted story of Peter Pan, Tinker Bell and Hook! A seven-issue story in which it is revealed that Pan has learned the secret of immortality; children! And he captures them in Neverland and that way he can live on forever. Only one kid ever escaped, namely Cross (Hook) and Cross comes back to end Pan's evilness.

Check the whole Interview with Joe @ Broken Frontier

BROKEN FRONTIER: Wonderland is ending and Neverland comes around the corner! Can you tell us a tad about this Neverland, its inhabitants and its horrors?

JOE BRUSHA: Like all of our Grimm Fairy Tales series it’s a dark re-imagining of Peter Pan and everything has been turned around from the original. Most of the characters from the original story appear in the series [but] they’ve just been given the Grimm Fairy Tales make over. The croc has been transformed into a really monstrous beast that I think fans are going to love.


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