"Manifestation sabotages SNCF: 8 policiers blessés, 15 interpellations à Paris" is the headline on Yahoo.fr's website tonight. So, at least I know what was going on in the metro today at Defert... It was a number of manifesters (protesters) who went into the metro and were causing trouble or maybe just fleeing the cops on the streets above were the protest was taking place. Not really sure as to WHY they came down into the METRO... maybe the wanted to manifest or maybe they were on their way home... but it really worked to scare the living daylights out of us unsuspecting voyageurs, let me tell you!!!
I learned from the woman I had accompanied to the RER B with her daughter that some of them pulled the cord on the Line 4, thus stopping it. And that at that time, the cops (? or the manifesters) set of a tear gas bomb (though I happen to think it was the police) and then they manifesters were trying to get away from the cops. At least they were stopped... as I saw a bunch of them while I was crossing over the walk way to get my train at the end of my adventure. I don't even know how many of the actually entered into the metro halls, but I did learn from the news article that there were about 1, 200 protesters. What a day, I tell you!!!!