Monday, June 16, 2008

Sadaharu Aoki Macha

Sadaharu Aoki Macha, original watercolor, 9" x 11 1/2"

About a week ago I got a package from KAT in Japan full of Macha green tea goodies - like 2 green square chocolates I could kill for and these little faux green tea cones that are sort of chocolatey and cookies and...and... THANK YOU KAT in Japan. Kat has great recipes on her site - Please visit.
All that Macha tea made me think of Paris pâtisserie Sadaharu Aoki and his green tea goodies like this opera cake...sigh
Here's a green Mille-feuille à la the vert
Eclair Machas lined up like soldiers...
Macha rollades full of a sweet red bean paste..I spotted these extraterestials called the Duomo (after the Florence Duomo?) at Sadaharu Aoki's boutique at Lafayette Gourmet.
My resistance broke down...
A peek inside - a mousse-like outer-igloo with red bean filling inside.
AND don't forget the Macha macaron stuck onto the side...heaven on earth. I'm having palpitations just describing it to you...
Inside Sadaharu Aoki's shop on 35 rue de Vaugirard, Paris 6è the walls are Macha as well as green tea jam.
Here is the divine Sadaharu Aoki himself, offering me a macaron at the Salon du Chocolat in October - a day never to be forgot!
And here, his fab box of macarons! 12 to a box and all labeled on the lid so you don't get confused. So kind...


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