Dear ex-pat Suzanne in Paris sent me this exquisiteLimoge miniature dolls tea set this week. I tried to paint it but...forgettabout it! Not a snowball's chance in Hell I could paint this gold set :( But doesn't it look like Marie-Antoinette's daughter could have played with it? From the show at the Grand Palais, here is M-A's adult-sized gold tea set... And you could buy this travel tea set in the museum gift boutique...for a gazillion euros... LOOK at this romantic transfer on the blue tray above... Doesn't it look just a bit like this en famille portrait of Marie-Antoinette? I love this portrait of M-A at her drawing lesson - in those days you had to draw! It was de rigeur, bien sur. Portrait heads ofMarie-Antoinettes hair dos... AH HA! And her famous diamond necklace. Excuse the blur... Back to the gift boutique, you could buy a version of her diamonds... They did not have anything like this gold embossed, enameled armoire (at least I think it's an armoire..please correct me) in the gift shop... Quelle domage! Now this I would have bought! Marie-Antoinette's travel chest or hope chest or something or other...You can see just how dark it was inside the exhibit... BiscuitBear bought this adorable period dress for her daughter and you can see her wearing it on Flickr.Charmant! Why didn't I get this mignon T-shirt??? You know I did get theseLaduree macaronsat the end of the show bien sur! BONJOUR PARIS!