I would love to know how many miles of ribbon was used up on French chocolate eggs this Easter... Is this the biggest chocolate egg in the world? At Marquise de Sevigne on rue de Seine 2,800 kilos of chocolate (6,160 pounds) and only costing 180,000 euros. Laduree's chocolate eggs were decked out in pale green ribbons for the holiday. A giant egg within an egg at La Maison du Chocolat on rue de Sevres. The tiny boutique was so jamed packed with shoppers they were selling chocolate eggs in the street as well! Never happen in New York :) My favorite old fashioned candy shop, Les Bon Bons on rue Brea had eggs up the whazoo and the shop was packed. Well every chocolate shop was packed on Saturday in Paris.
Patrick Roger had giant a "Stone Henge" of chocolate eggs in his window.
Plus he used the molds for them as containers for even more chocolate eggs...
A miniature tableau of a mini chocolate shop on Ile St. Louis.
Fauchon, always the innovator, showed faux egg yolks in a verrine looking very much like prairie oysters.
Here they are.
Your everyday egg crate but filled with some of the best chocolate in Paris at Patrick Roger and costing a tad more than the average dozen...
Jean Rachoux had these little Piu-pius hatching in his window.
More hatchery going on in a children's boutique - non edible this time.