Tuesday, July 1, 2008

FIRST of all THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making the SUMMER WATERCOLOR SALE a HUGE success!!! Oui, bien sur!
Remember we started filling up our piggy bank when we got home in April for the next trip - October 28 /November 11, just in time for the Salon du Chocolat bien sur! After all I have to do research for you don't I.
Well the piggy bank is looking pretty good these days. We've even been celebrating a tiny bit. Blue Bird and I...ahem

AND we even broke down and we finally bought our plane ticket yesterday...

Now here's the problem. WHERE TO STAY IN PARIS!??

Sometimes you ask me questions.

Where's the best Paris tea salon?

Where can you buy the striped shoes I showed?

Could I please buy 2 pairs in size 8 for you and your mother..etc. etc.
You get the picture.
So I thought I'd turn the tables and ask for some help from you dear PB readers..

I've been looking online and off...

The prices bien sur, have gone WAY UP, like in the stratosphere...And the $$ ain't what it used to be, bla bla bla...
I would like to stay in an apartment (a STUDIO would be great). That way I can stock up on yogurt and macarons and sardines in the fridge. Gotta stay on that EURO DIET after all. I don't need much space. Nothing deluxe PULEEZE. Hey I'm an artist! Internet would be great, so I can keep you all up to date. I don't care WHERE that little studio is. What counts is COST. LOW cost would be so lovely...sigh

Please let me know if you have any good ideas. I read that Craigslist PARIS is way too full of scamers, so I'm not going that route. A hotel would do in a pinch.
You can leave your ideas here or contact me by email.

I do want to get back to those Paris cafes. Then PDQ (pretty damn quick), I'll be home bitching about unpacking and Jet Lag etc. By the way I'm continuing the SUMMER SALE through Labor Day, to help defray the cost of Paree. The watercolors will stay $75, but you do need to pay shipping ($5 UPS Ground) Please look at the Flickr set and let me know what numbers# you want. Well THANKS for your patience this morning and your tolerance for my plight.

I'm open to all your suggestions dear PB readers...



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