Thursday, August 12, 2010

I AM...NOT Restraint

I SINNED!Yesterday I lost my RESTRAINT!
And after being ice cream-free FOR SIX WHOLE DAYS too. I know I said August would be totally ice cream free for the whole month, but who/whom was I kidding?Naturalment, I lay the total blame at the feet of Joe DiNapoli, fellow watercolor artist and Maine accomplice.We met for lunch yesterday at this faux Maine-like-shacky restaurant, Mary's Fish Camp. Joe ordered a GIANT-size cod sandwich, which I immediately coveted. Who wouldn't? I, on the other hand ordered first, the smallest Little Neck clams on the planet (equalling one bite total). Then I idiotically ordered Steamers equal to about 1 1/2 bitefuls. Bien sur, all my neighbors ordered REAL food just like Joe. I meanwhile ate A LOT of Oyster crackers...hmmm As we were walking up Charles Street, Joe said, "Next time I'll choose the restaurant. We shoulda eaten here!"
The entree prices are like half of an app at Mary's shack joint.
We stopped in Joe's and I shot a few of his paintings when he stepped out of the room...
Don't worry. One of his SIX guard cats kept a beady eye on me. HMPH
If you do not have compulsions to gobble up ice cream at the drop of hat, especially after eating a lunch totaling the size of a quarter, I suggest you try making your own. David Lebovitz' The Perfect Scoop is the one ice cream book to own word out. This book is off limits for moi, malheureusement.
Gelato Two Dips, watercolor, 10 1/2 x 7 3/4"
Painting ice cream I can do.
Now I'm going to the pool to work off the 3,000 calorie gelato cone I ate yesterday.
I will keep you apprised of to my progress and ice cream regressions for the rest of August. That's a promise. 19 days to stay the course. Wish me bon chance.
I'll be sticking with these harmless little minis in the meantime.


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