Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Home in Paris

What do YOU do your first day in Paris?
It could be anywhere you love to visit really...
Do you rent a Velib and go cruising around town?
What makes you feel immediatement at home in a place you've visited before?
A stop at your favorite patisserie per chance, like SECCO?
Do you plan on cooking a meal (if you rented an apartment) and go off to your favorite marche?
Buy a few fleurs for your room, say at La Nom de la Rose, even if you're staying in a hotel..?
Or browse in a wine shop..?
Do you get all sportive and need to take a jog in the Luxembourg Jardin to feel homie?
How about buying a bunch of French magazines at a presse kiosk even though your French is rather rusty or non-existent?
Then you head for your favorite cafe where they even remember you from the last time, like Le Select...
Must-haves = box of macarons!
Some French chocolate!
Bread or those cookies by Poilane bien sur.
A quickie run into a department store to catch up on the latest tendances/trends like Le Bon Marche?
Do you take a Metro or a mini tour on a Paris bus like the No.95 that goes everywhere you want to go..?
Do you stand in the rue studying the ardoise/menus pretending you're going to eat there..?
Did you book a table ahead at your favorite resto?
Is visiting the Eiffel Tower an absolute must-see for you first day?
Do you also keep an eye out for something special to bring home to remember your trip?
My first day in Paris, I try to pretend it's my last day so I can remember to appreciate every single nanon second of it. But usually I forget. I get caught up in the visual buffet and forget to remember until it is The Last Day...
Tell me what YOU do first day in Paris.


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