At the Salon du Chocolat, Leonidas made this huge chocolatey homage... To the Paris Opera. If I didn't look at all this chocolate in an abstract way my goose would surely be cooked. And I would weigh in at 500 pounds as some readers have suggested...ahem The first week in Paris your eyes are glued to the patisserie vitrines (windows). Then they start to wonder up above to the amazing architecture... No wonder Parisien chocolatiers and patissieres are strongly influenced by the aesthetics of their surroundings. Is it possible not to soak this up and then recreate it into chocolate walls and bricks of great beauty ? OK, they should have tried harder to show off their asthetic heritage - this purveyor is from the sticks obviously... The magnificent of scale, the grandeur of Paris...
Is there another place on the planet that combines beautiful architecture...
And beautiful pastry? I think not...
When I got home I found the perfect homage to both sent me by designer Susan Hockbaum. Susan had the wherewithal to take Paris pastries outside and shoot them amidst the architecture."In Paris, everything looks like dessert."