Thursday, March 24, 2011

The History Of Sport

Sports history can teach us the meaning of the changes of society and about the sport itself.

Sport seems to involve basic human skills being developed and trained for its own interests, which is in line with trained for usefulness. This shows that the sport is probably as old as human existence itself, which has a purpose, and is a useful way to improve their ability to conquer nature and the environment.

However, if we look far back as the evidence increasingly little less supportive.

we start from:

Prehistoric Period

Many modern discoveries in France, Africa and Australia in cave paintings (look like Lascaux) from prehistory which provide evidence of ritual practice. Some of this evidence comes from 30,000 years ago, on the basis of carbon dating. Paintings / Pictures stone age are found in the deserts of Libya showing some activity, swimming and archery.

Painting itself is a proof of interest in the expertise that has nothing to do with the ability to survive, and is proof that there is free time to enjoy. It also proved non-functional activities such as rituals and so forth. Thus, although little direct evidence of sport from these sources, it is reasonable to conclude that there is some activity at that time relating to the sport.

Captain Cook, when he first came to the Hawaiian Islands, in 1778, reported that indigenous people surfing. Native American Indian community to join in games and sports before the arrival of the Europeans, such as lacrosse, several types of ball games, running, and other athletic activities. The Maya and Aztecs of cultured play ball with the game seriously. Field is used once still in use today.

Reasonable to conclude from this and other historical sources that the sport has roots originating from humanity itself.

Ancient China

There are artifacts and buildings which show that the people of China relate to activities which we define as a sport at the beginning of the year 4000 BC. The beginning and development of sports activities in China seems closely related to production, work, war, and entertainment at that time.

Gymnastics seems to be a popular sport in China of antiquity. Of course now, like the Chinese expertise in the internationally renowned acrobats.

China has a Beijing Museum dedicated to subjects about the sport in China and its history. (See Sports of China, Museum)

Ancient Egypt

Pharaonic monuments to indicate that some progress noted sports and competed on a regular basis a few thousand years ago, including swimming and fishing. This is not surprising given the importance of the Nile for the life of the Egyptians. Other sports included javelin throwing, high jump, and wrestling. (See Reference Sports of Ancient Egypt) ( Again, the existence of a popular sports show familiarity with non-sport activities of daily .

Ancient Greece

The number of sports has been around since the time of the Kingdom of Ancient Greece. Wrestling, Running, Boxing, throwing javelin and discus throwing, and buggy racing is a sport that common. This shows that the Greek military culture affects the development of their sport.

Olympic Games held every four years in Greece. The match is not held only as a sporting event, but also as a celebration for the splendor of individuals, cultures, and various arts and also a place to show innovation in architecture and sculpture. Basically, this event is the time to give thanks and worship the Gods of Greek beliefs. The name of this event was taken from Mount Olympus, which is considered sacred place where life of the gods. Declared a ceasefire during the Olympic Games, such as military action and execution for public expenditure. This was done for the people to celebrate peacefully and to compete in a cultured atmosphere and mutual respect.

European and Global Development

Some historian Bernard Lewis-recorded team sport-State that was an invention of Western culture. Individual sports, like wrestling and archery, has been practiced worldwide. But the tradition of sports teams, according to these authors, comes from Europe, especially England. (There are notes in the opposite-including kabaddi in India and Mesoamerica some ball games.) Sports began to set and held regularly since the ancient Olympics until this century. Activities undertaken to meet the needs of life and food into the activities organized and conducted for enjoyment or competition in an increasing scale, such as hunting, fishing, horticulture. Industrial Revolution and mass production added free time, which allows increased spectator sport, less elitism in sports, and greater access. This trend continued with the journey of mass media and global communication. Professionalism became common, further increasing popularity of the sport. This may be contrasted with the pure idea of ​​the Greeks, where victory in the match rewarded with a very simple, and rewarded with olive leaf. (Maybe not just the crown of olive leaves, some authors note.)

Perhaps because the reaction from the desire of contemporary life, there is the best sports development dielaskan with post-modern: extreme ironing as an example. Also there are new discoveries in the field of adventure sports in the form of escape from the routines of daily life, such as white-water rafting, canyoning, BASE jumping and more polite, orienteering.


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