Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Just woke up and got inspiration to write, Hi!
Shopaholic can refer to -->>> Shopping gets to be trouble when you cant stop.
I just wacthed a movie which tittled confenssions of a shopaholic
That's a good movie thou, to be honest I love to shops much! but I get limitedness woop woop otherwise I'm still in high school which mean I still don't have my on money, then I hv no work which mean I dont get a salary in a month. So I love to shop but still in a limited way cause of my limited money as well.
What do you think about a shopaholic? Why mostly women love to shops? Why they gone crazy if they see "sale"? Why they gone addicted to shops?
Ok in my opinion women give their attention a lot of their appearance like they need to mathce their look perfectly! That mean they need to have a lot of bags,shoes,clothes,coat,scarft&otherwhich match w/ others things too
But sometimes women act too much. But having a lot of clothes,bags,shoes is so muc fun! you dont need to wear same outfit in a week lol! I guess Women just love to shops! That's a natural law(?)
BUT we still need to control it! Use your money wisely!
Btw you should watch confenssions of a shopaholic! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1093908/
I envy much of their properties!!!
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