Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Why I love Paris

This was going to be a post on cafe tables... There are an awful lot of cafe tables...In Paris... In fact there are a lot of round/rond things in Paris. And Parisiens adore them unreservedly like this pool in the Palais Royal...
The Parisien macaron is a prime example of abject adoration of rond-ness.
It makes perfect sense that the cupcake would also be the recipient of mass adoration...
Lunettes rond? Bien sur. Absolutement essential.
Velos=rond. Parfait.
Heavens there is even a Rond Point on the Champs Elysees!
Guerlain Meterites Perles = macquillage parfait pour les femmes francaises
YSL adored the rond shape sprinkling it on this delightful frock...
Rond Cs on these Chanel buttons=absolutement parfait.
Tartes up the whazoo in Paris=rond aussi.
Another trendy gateaux is the 'cake' (pronounced 'keck') or loaf as we call it. What do Parisiens place on top of this rectangle? A citron rond evidemment.
OK, there is no denying Parisens adore also unreservedly their quite vertical Eiffel Tower. What is one to make of this? A little variety is the spice of life non? Is adoration of the female breast the root of all this rond-ness?
All this rather complex in depth research has made me aware that I love to paint round things. And that must be why I love Paris non?
I'm making an effort to use the lessons learned in the Maine workshop last week. Thumbnails first!
A Priori The, watercolor, 9" x 11"
I'm using new watercolor paper, new palette and new colors...
A Priori The, watercolor, 9" x 11"

All done/terminee
Bonjour Rondes de Paris!


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