Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Like I said. I study in Bandung. I live there, alone..
I rent a boarding house there. I live there with my classmate named anis.
I goes to school evryday on foot. My school isn't far from that house.
I eat, cook by my self sometime I have my meal outside or having a take-away meal.
My life there feel so pathetic,miserable. Being alone isn't good at all for sure -_- Phew!
What can I do? I should do it till graduate! I hope Im doing that and I get a payback! Yes Im hoping for a payback from my-miserable-life there! I hope I can beyond those things!
When I have a holiday & the holiday almost end, I'll cries evry night. Being alone is the most miserable thing which I must through , alone. It's ok, I expect God have a good plan for me ahead.
That sounds so pathetic rite? Poor me :/
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