Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hummingbird Bakery

Laduree rose framboise cupcake, watercolor, 9" x 11"
Nevermind the scorching heat...there has been NO internet here for 4 days.
On to more important things - the mass invasion of the Cupcake into London!
Did you know British bakers are visiting New York City for just one day, stopping in at least 18 bakeries and then flying home to knock us off in their own inimitable way?The Hummingbird Bakery was on my route from South Ken Station to the Club, so I could not miss this major high point of London gourmandises. The lines are every bit as fraught with anticipation and angst as at Laduree in Paris... In the name of research I too joined the line and bought a red velvet cuppie... Whilst stealing as many shots as possible... All in the name of cupcake research of course... I am not a true devotee of the almighty cupcake but Hummingbird's graphics are out of this world...

Plus their cookery book, The Hummingbird Bakery Cookbook is praised to the skies on and the pictures are adorable...
I spotted these luscious OTT numbers along Kings Road - our cupcake is EVERYWHERE in London...
Even as I was rushing to catch the 'chunnel' back to Paris I found cupcake wrapping paper in St. Pancras station. Why didn't I buy it at 5:20 am?
First stop in Paris, Le Grande Epicerie and what am I greeted by? Cupcakes bien sur. HMPH
One cannot escape these petit bijou sucres hauts en couleurs it seems...
In BHV cupcake cookbooks...
A London shot in Sainsbury (pronounced sanesbrie pls.)
Where do they come up with the term 'muffin cases'? No doubt you'll tell me the Brits invented the cupcake so they can call these whatever they like...
The one and only 'cupcake' I like because it isn't smothered in thick icing and the cake part is delicate and light. i.e. the antithesis of a traditional cupcake.More here.
The Laduree cupcakes are safeguarded on the back counter. Thanks very much, HiYa, I stand corrected. The Laduree Summer cupcakes are here. But will they be in wintertime..? Best rush over and get some.
Fasten your pastry seatbelts PBers. London and perhaps Paris (God forbid) has taken to the Whoopee pie! What next? To get the full scoop on the London listen to the BBC Food Program. You'll be enlightened further. This is an adorable video from Hummingbird, not to be missed.


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