Friday, July 16, 2010
Hi! Im here sitting in front of Si mac and hell Yeah got nothing to do here.
Midnight already, Im starving but if I have a supper I'll be fatter than now and it's gonna be like seriously hell for me -_-
Im single, hbu? hahah lol
Sometimes I kinda miss the whole things,being together, you know love each other in unique way and other cute things to do aw touchy
It sucha unimportant post to be read!
I don't hv any inspirations to write about something but my fingers can't hold it self for not typing and my brain can't shut it mouth and keep saying words which's gonna explode if I aint write something!
phew! Guys is there anything I can do?
Boredom just hit me all over again
Hey I write spontaneously I didn't pick any tittle so It's gonna be untittled post which doesn't has any point&topic.
Btw Monday will come soon, it's time to go back to school. Doing evrysingle things which I really hate the most to do.
Don't you hate your school?
If school feels like heaven I won't beef about
I knew someone whose I hate haha kinda stupid like seriously we're a teenage gonna be adults soon but we still like hates,judging,quiping each other
I love english btw. Do my english taste better? ah lah Im starving much!
Hey y'all can you see from those words above Im sucha crazy people,uncleared post,
Omg I don't what should I write below
Guys guys the boredom really pissing me off
Someday when I'll really busy doin my stuff I'll miss the hits from the boredom!
See ya peeeps, kinda weird need to stop there's no direction on this post!
See y'all!