Have you ever picked up any B.D.s (pronounced Bay-Days)while in Paris? B.D. or band-dessiner are hard bound comic books mostly for adults but very much available for kids as well. "Bande dessinée—in France is a place where the adult comic book is a major vehicle for communicating information and emotion," says Adam Gopnik. A French friend got me started me with Adele Blanc-Sec 19th century mystery series by Belgian artist Tardi.. Tardi is fabulous for his highly detailed views of Paris... I found this Eiffel Tower mystery at my local Alliance Francais library... Perfect reference for painting "Harvard"...
Another of Tardi's terrific on the scene views - sur les toits de Paris...
Did I mention reading BDs is a GREAT way to learn French colloquial slang. The balloons illustrate how the French really speak-slang!
This BD tells the story of the everyday life of your typical French Joe Blow....
I found this kid's BD in the foreign magazine area of Penn Station but you can find these at most Paris relais in the train stations. J'aime Lire is a popular kids (aux enfants de 7 à 10 ans) magazine.
I love the drawings and the handwriting as well as the dialogue....
Artist Soledad Bravi, who illustrates Pierre Herme's macaron boxes, does a wonderful series of comic books. You can find it at www.Amazon.fr
You've probably seen this cat somewhere or other - Phillipe Geluck, another Belgian BD artist, even has his chat immortalized in chocolate at Galler...
And speaking of chocolate, Chocolat Michel Cluizelhas a fine way to understand how his products are made in a 72 page bande dessinee! Think about it next time you're in Paris and stop in a BD shop. BONJOUR BDs!!!