Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pierre Herme Tarte au Citron
Pierre Herme's Tarte Citron au Citron, 9" x 11"
And without further ado the winner of the best tarte au citron in Paris is none other than... PIERRE HERME!
*I am re-posting this from 2007 because dear Paris pastry chef David Lebovitz gave me a link today on his fab one-lemon bar recipe. And because I'm a little fatigue with all the PT and back exercises and general keeping up on things.
I'll be back with more ROSES a demain!
Merci en avance darling PBers.

Pierre Herme Tarte au Citron This came as a surprise. I thought Gerard Mulot hands down would be the bestest, with his simple, direct, flat lake of a tarte...

Pierre Herme Tarte au Citron I was convinced one should not desecrate a citron tarte's smooth surface.

Boy was I WRONG!

Those generous pieces of lemon zest in Pierre Herme's tarte are NOT candied, but super TART! In fact this tarte was the tartest of all the Parisien tarts!

AND the most LEMONY!!!

Pierre Herme titles his tarte, "TARTE CITRON AU CITRON" with good reason.

Laduree Tarte au Citron

Laduree's tarte au Citron,watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"

Many of the test tarts were too damn sweet (Laduree) even if pretty...

Where's the lemon?

Quite a few tasted too much of the lemon curd jar (Paul's)

Some had almost no lemony taste at all (Saduharu Aoki) !?

This was a shocker :(

The true test... Here the results of Gerard Mulot vs. Pierre Herme (on the right)...

A picture speaks a thousand words...

Fauchon squared Tarte au Citron BUT the tarte au citron contest is not over!

Talk about pastry geometry - look at this squared lemon tart at Fauchon's. I have more work in front of me...
For other Tarte au Citron obsessed fools out there:

Laura Mercier Tarte au Citron Body and Bath Collection

The Club Citron (even has a lemon diet, loads of lemon photos and of course a recipe

Bonne Journee du Citron!!


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