Quite a few of you, dear PBers, said you'd like to see more Paris Momssvp. Surprise, surprise - I found Paris streets full of Paris daddies! My French friend, M. assured me these are not all divorced daddies out walking their kiddiewinks... Paris dads start taking their offspring to la musee early... These dads were spotted while waiting online at the Basquiat expos...
M. say Paris moms are highly skilled at getting dad to pitch in, while they go shopping..?
A dad on rue de Rivoli...
Both Paris and London have designated area for baby poussettes on the bus, so get out of the way when you see one boarding...
These two bebes were having a tete a tete at the Salon du Chocolat.
French kids do not miss out on much in my humble opinion.
Here a Paris dad has a 'doudou' tucked under his arm for safe keeping...
A future Paris dad-to-be gets early training in poussette walking...
This Paris dad prefers to carry his adorable bebe...