Monday, December 22, 2008

I got an email last night from a friend in San Diego saying that one of our friends had just passed away...

I would like to dedicate this post to my friend of many, many years... Steve "Biano" Spencer. Steve passed away on Dec. 15, 2008 due to complications of pulmonary fibrosis. He just turned 60 in October. I would like to share an email I received from him just after his b-day in Ocotober.

Alo Leesa,
So good to hear from you….Nunca Mais Brasilian nights at Sevilla, they are part of history my friend. We are working on a Brasilian night in the north county, I will keep you posted….
I reached a mile stone last week, turned 60, can you believe it? Some of the best times spent in San Diego, you were such a big part of, Carnaval, Sevilla and especially Street Scene….
Christine is doing great, I have had some health issues and after 37 years, retired from my job, working to get my health back
Steve was someone who was very present in the Brasilian community. He spent years as a promoter in San Diego for a wide variety of Brasilian events- including Carnaval, concerts, San Diego St. Scene, and many others. He had a very strong love and interest in Brasil, it's culture, people and of course.. music! He was affectionately know as "Biano," meaning, a person from Bahia. His website promoting the beautiful country of Brasil is BRAZIL PROMOTIONS
All who know Steve were immediately touched by his outgoing, warm and very friendly personality. He will be greatly missed by all know knew him. I am deeply saddened to lose a friend such as Steve. He was truly a ray of sunshine. Rest In Peace, Steve. I'm sure you're dancing the Samba up in the sky!

Photos courtesy of Billy Arqauimimo, taken from the article, Steve Spencer, A Big Brazilian Heart (Dec. 16. 2008) @ SambaFun


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