Monday, June 1, 2009

Martine Lambert

The first of June and it's time for ice cream/glace is it not?
Paris Dogs eat ice cream too, original artwork, 9" x 12"

No need to rush off to the l'Isle St Louis searching for a cone either...
Head instead to Martine Lambert Glaces!
Deauville's ice cream queen has a branch on 194 rue de Grenelle 75007.
And though many will tell you Berthillon can not be topped, I am here to tell you otherwise.
There is no flavor signboard at Martine's because fresh flavors are created daily at the will of the chef and very exotique they are too...
I had the mangue/mango...
But I was tempted by so many others, sorbet pêche de vigne, pamplemousse et gingembre confit to name several, though I can not remember what this mystery sorbet was...reglisse/licorice or figue?
Martine's prix is a tad less than famed Berthillon but that in no way effects quality - no additives or colorants are used and the milk comes from very contented Normandie cows who've played a bit of roulette at Deauville and won.
By the way if you're near a branch of La Maison du Chocolat, I recommend their glace too, especially caramel au beurre de sel.
Martine Lambert is easy to find. I would be happy to show the way.
Horaires ::
mardi au vendredi de 10H à 13H et de 15H à 20H
samedi et dimanche de 10H à 20
The sign tells all...
But how could I have missed this?
Macarons with ice cream!!!
I have lost my crown as queen of macaronerie!


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