Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Au Chat Bleu Paris

Au Chat Bleu Paris This is one of those occasions when you're running from one Metro stop to another...

Au Chat Bleu Paris And you just happen to spot an adorable chocolate shop...

Au Chat Bleu Paris You have no time to run inside, so you snap a bunch of pictures....

Au Chat Bleu Paris Hoping to come back and sample the goodies at a later date...

Au Chat Bleu Paris

Of course you promptly forget about it until you get home

and peruse your Paris photos at leisure and wish you had...

Au Chat Bleu Paris

Au Bleu Chat is quite a traditional French bonbon shop, around since 1912,

with no aspirations to high-end percentage % chocolate, just plain good fun.

Au Chat Bleu Paris This is where you get to be a kid again and drool over the windows...
Faire du lèche-vitrine
Au Chat Bleu Paris And study the lengthy detailed descriptions of each bonbon...YUM!
Au Chat Bleu Paris Of course being a French chocolate shop, they must have jam(confiture)!
Probably tea too is sold...
Au Chat Bleu Paris Just as a reminder...
Au Chat Bleu Paris Shall we all meet here next time?
Au Chat Bleu 85, bd Haussmann 75008 Paris

A la prochaine?
Au Chat Bleu Paris And is there such a thing as a blue cat?
Of course there is. A Russian blue
He just happens to be residing in a New York shop window at the moment...


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