Thursday, April 30, 2009

The French Scarf

You say it's practically summer so what's with a post on the French scarf?
The French are not putting away their traditional neckwear because the weather has changed and temperatures are rising?
No way!
How is it the French woman can put on this sack-like outfit with a écharpe hanging to the floor and come off looking chic, soigné et avec du syle?
Granted the scarf has history, even if this is an English painting, it's hanging in a French museum (musée Cognaq-Jay) by the way.
More traditional French neck adornment at nearby musée Carnavalet.
The bow still adorns the neck of most French jam jars...
And this chocolate duck could have so easily been sporting a French scarf don't you think?
A French scarfy twist on this intensely chocolate-carmelized Saint Honore creation at Pierre Herme.
Here a French kid get's early scarf training.
*Note the color co-ordination going on here.
This little French girl got the training...
Back view. I could use some training...
Here's the "double scarf" - one used as a shawl/cape base for the other twisted on top.
The "shawl" scarf on its own...
Just a touch of red scarf showing color co-ordinated to go with Laduree's green macaron cart at Galerie Lafayette...
Here the French scarf evolves into the casually knotted sweater neck adornment...
The scarf here color co-ordinated with the salade at Cojean...
"How could you leave your écharpe at home?"
My all-time favorite French scarf by artist BEN and no longer available. I pine for this écharpe...
Now I get it! This is a French écharpe the baguette is wearing!
With or without the French scarf, the baguette is generally irresistable. sigh...


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