Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter in Paris

Patisserie Gerard Mulot,original art, 5" x 7"
Ok, The Easter or Pâques report in Paris...
Starting at patisserie Gerard Mulot - as always many, many ribbons, mostly pink (rose)...
At La Charlotte de l'isle, her fab old fashioned chocolate molds... (I will refrain from showing you the rats this year by popular request)
Chocolatier Jean-Paul Hevin went for a GINORMOUS chocolate (bien sur) chicken in all of his shop windows!
And Laduree's chickens lay what else? Macarons.
Galerie Lafayette Gourmet's floor was covered with chickens.
FYI:The difference between "poule" and "poulet"
A "poule"is a hen while a "poulet" refers to chicken meat..cooked chicken.
S.V.P. correct me on this.
Chocolatier Puyricard goes with the traditional hen decked out in orange ribbons - tres chic
Comme habitude (as usual) Sadaharu Aoki brings out his annual Green tea hens for the holiday...
Pierre Herme's poules are lurking in the dark, perhaps in recovery from Jour de Macaron day. *I noted that they are not wearing "wired" ribbons this year...hmmm
Eggs within eggs within eggs in La Maison du Chocolat's vitrine plus a sprinkling of butterflies hither and thither...
I have no idea at all what's going on here at Arnaud Larher's window... An egg hunt perhaps? Eggs wearing hen's crops or whatever it is that hens wear...ahem
Ok! An instantly identifyable egg tree at prestigious and pricy chocolatier Debauve & Gallais.
Another egg tree or something similar - a pile of chocolate eggs? call it what you will - a shot stolen through an open doorway at Lenotre.
That'll teach em to keep their doors shut! :)
Another egg tree at I don't know where...
We end the Paris Easter report with a grand showing of egg cups, egg slicers and other eggy accoutrement for all egg lovers...
From de l'official a la table 23, rue de batignolles 75018
As for Easter hats, I spotted this charming concoction in the Metro.
If you prefer a real rabbit to a chocolate one, then the marche de oiseaux is the place. If you'd told me there would be rabbits at the bird market...
Ah ha! One that got away and with a stack of Laduree macaron boxes no less!
Joyeuse Pâques Everyone etc.!


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