Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Over Rated

You simply can not open a fashion magazine this season without being told that you can not live without this season's must-have.....the aviator jacket. Topshop have picked up where Burberry began and no doubt Primark will jump on the band wagon too. I am not usually one to diss a fashion trend or especially Christopher Bailey (I have avoided negativity completely up until this post). However in my humble opinion, sheepskin belongs on a sheep. And I will not be a fashion sheep to this trend.

Saying that, now that it is September (where did summer go??), I can not shake off that back to school feeling and to me this means a shiny new pair of shoes. There is nothing like buying shoes to put a spring in your step and having worn out last seasons boots to the extent that I am now traipsing around London with holes in my shoes like Oliver Twist I can hardly wait. At the moment I am loving wedge ankle boots especially these ones from Surface to Air at Urban Outfitters (pictured). Having done some work for those of us on more of a budget, Zara is doing a similar pair for about one quarter of the price. Happy can thank me later!


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